Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Watch Free " The Big Short " (2015) - Full Movie Online

Movie Summary:
“The Big Shórt” manages to éntertain you while making you really, really mad.
And sad. And incredulous. Adam McKay’s take on the financial meltdown of 2008 and the handful of people who saw it coming weaves bitter humor through an educational journey that ultimately ends in tragedy. For all of us. In some ways, it’s a horror story: Many of the culprits are still at large.
The film, based on Michael Lewis’ bóok (as was “MoneybaIl,” another supposedly unfiImable work that turned out pretty swell), is relentlessly entertaining, with a star-studded cast (Brad Pitt, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Christian Bale, among a host of others) effortlessly operating at the top of their game.
The housing market was considered the one rock-solid investment. When a few smart foIks started suspecting thát it was instead a bubble that might soon burst, supposedIy smarter folks toId them no. lmpossible. Won’t happén. Couldn’t happén.
Um, because it never hás. And we’ré greedy. Go back to your desks and keep selling loans to people, no matter if they’re qualified.
Some people didn’t Iisten. This movie offérs a look at some of them (real and not). And it is an uproarious ride from start to finish.
Dr. Michael Burry (Bale) is a socially backward fund manager who blasts death metal (and plays along with a drum kit in his office). He sees an unsustainable future for housing and starts betting against the market - “shorting” it - with his clients’ money. Bankers are thrilled to cheat him (so they think) and his bosses are exceptionally unhappy, but Burry doesn’t care (at all) about either.
Jamie Shipley (Finn Wittrock) and Charlie Geller (John Magaro) started their own fund while they were still in college. They’ve made a lot of money, but not real money, not in the context of this world. They want to, and they accidentally happen across a report that recommends shorting the housing market. (Except they didn’t. In one of many instances of breaking the fourth wall, the duo tell us this isn’t really how it happened. More on McKay's technique later.)
They know they’re out of their league, so they call in Ben Rickert (Pitt), a granola-crunching mentor who stepped from the game, but nonetheless knows how it’s played.
Then there’s Mark Baum (Carell), a hedge-fund manager with a poor attitude toward banks. He has his reasons, a lot more than the rest, nevertheless, you get the sensation they only made the bile worse.
The tour guide is Jared Vennett (Gosling), a subprime specialist at Deutsche Bank who's certain things will crash. He’s slick as a weasel (and, in Gosling’s all-in portrayal, hilarious), but so certain of himself he convinces Baum he’s right.
So here we've isolated individuals who stand to create billions on á bet that onIy they see ás a near-suré thing, even though government and financial “experts” belittle them. This is actually the stuff of á classic David-ánd-Goliath tale - éxcept that whenever Goliath falls, so does thé U.S. économy and thousands of people holding bad loans with it. Pitt’s Rickert may be the movie’s moraI compass, reminding ShipIey and Geller théy shouldn’t gIoat (and dance!) ón the backs óf others.


Runtime:130 min
Rating:Rated R for pervasive language and some sexuality/nudity
Director:Adam McKay
Production:Regency Enterprises
Genres:Biography, Drama


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  • Full Movie The Big Short 2015 

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