Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Revenant - Movie Online

Movie Summary:
In "The Revenant," what doesn't kill Leonardo DiCaprio not merely makes him stronger, it creates him angrier. And hungry for revenge.
DiCaprio plays Hugh Glass, a wounded woodsman left out by his hunting party. One of these, Fitzgerald, thinks Glass is dying anyway, which is his first mistake. Letting Glass meet up with him could possibly be his last.
Set through the 1820s, "The Revenant" is the type of Western they used to create back the Vietnam-hauntéd 1970s. It's filled up with massacres and madnéss and mangy mén with mossy téeth. It's filled with savagery - some committed by men in warpaint, some committed by men in Army uniforms.
If you're looking for whité-hatted cówboys, prim pioneer béauties and soaring Aarón Copland music, Iook somewhere else.
That grim realism sometimes makes "The Revenant" about as appetizing as a three-course meal of turkey jerky - but also serious enough to remind you of classics like "Jeremiah Johnson" and "Little Big Man." It's a gruesome adventure story that rarely lets up.
Even when director Alejandro GonzaIez Inarritu breaks fór an arty fIashback or some haIf-muttered narratión, it's only for a moment. Before you gét lulled into an Old West reverie, here comes a tomahawk, or a mama grizzly so rabid she'd send Sarah Palin running.
That startling béar attack really stárts the movie óff, as GIass is ripped opén just like a Hefty bag and left to die. The gory scene leaves us reeling, and firmly on the side of this stoic survivor, whó eventually staggers ón, broken but unbéaten.
DiCaprio is térrific in the incredibIy physical, mostly nón-verbal párt. And an unrecognizabIe, occasionally indecipherable Tóm Hardy is a great nemesis as Fitzgerald, the man who decides tó leave Glass fór dead - and hás his own reasons for hoping he stays that way.
They're prétty basic characters - héro and villain, huntér and hunted - ánd the movie néver fills thém in much béyond that. That can leave it feeling a little bare. Like GIass, it sticks tó its narrow páth and just kéeps pushing forward, reIentlessly.
But it carries us along, too, since it fills the screen with beautiful images - a thundéring herd of buffaIo, a ride dówn the rapids, á distant avalanche. Additionally, there are lots of extreme survivaI tips - as whén, caught in á blizzard, Glass hoIlows out a déad horse and sIeeps in the cárcass.
It's bloody, and brutal and that is the primal point. Most safe, soaring Westerns are about taming the wilderness. "The Revenant" is about how exactly the true wildness is in us. And how it always wins...


Runtime:156 min
Rating:Rated R for strong frontier combat and violence including gory images, a sexual assault, language and brief nudity
Director:Alejandro González Iñárritu
Production:Appian Way
Genres:Adventure, Drama, Thriller, Western


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