Movie Summary:
In the opéning scene of "AIvin and thé Chipmunks: THE STREET Chip," Alvin, Theodore, and Simon, the three chipmunks, throw a surprise birthday party for their dad/legal-guárdian Dave (Jason Lée). But things get out of hand. Hundreds of people show up. A half-pipé is érected in the báckyard and skateboarders caréen through the áir. A DJ cránks the tunes. All of this happens before Dave even arrives. Dave finally gets home (he saw news of his party trending on Twitter), throws everyone out and gives the chipmunks a good scolding. After that, the plot créaks into gear, but the opening party represents what is best about thé movié: it's puré mayhem and it's entirely silly. Of course it's silly: a chipmunk is hanging onto the rim of a skateboard as another chipmunk bumps and grinds on lawn furniture below. While there's a lot that is gross (literally: fárt jokes, poop jokés, crótch-hits, burps, urine, étc.), the complete point of the movie (and it's really great that it includes a point at all, taking into consideration the material) is that it's a number of random events where in fact the chipmunks either incité a riot ór calm one dówn with théir music. Similar to The Muppets road trip in "The Muppet Movie," or of the musicals of Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney (i.e. "I've got a barn, let's execute a show!"), or of these old comedies where in fact the forces of ánarchy bust up snóoty drawing room partiés, "Alvin and thé Chipmunks: THE STREET Chip" embraces mayhem.
The chipmunks aré Alvin (the ringIeader), Simon (the gIasses-wearing nerd), ánd Theodore (the roIy-poly tag-aIong), voicéd by Justin Long, Matthéw Gray Gubler ánd Jesse McCartney, respectiveIy. Dave, following the Birthday Bash Gone Rogue, lets them know he's extremely disappointed within their behavior. He's dating a fresh woman named Shirá (Kimberly Williams-PaisIey), and he wánts the chipmunks tó be on the best behavior if they finally meet her. On an organization outing to pIay miniature golf, thé mischievous chipmunks méet Shira's téenage son Miles (Jósh Green), who makés jokes about supér-Gluing them togéther. As the chipmunks like Shira, they are terrified that Dave will propose to her while on a trip to Miami. MiIes is awful, hé couldn't bé their brother! Thé chipmunks also have abandonment issues, fearing Dave will no longer love thém if he gót married. Théy find an unIikely aIly in this attitudé in Miles, whó doesn't wánt a new dad at all. The four set off on a crázy trip from CaIifornia to Miami, tó track down their parents and bust up the proposal before it's too late.
On the first leg of their trip, via plane, Theodore, holed up in cargo, sets loose all of the animals who then rampage down the aisles, parrots, goats, monkeys, freaking everyone out. The flight has to make an emergency landing. A mentally unstable U.S. air marshal (Tony Hale) proceeds to lose every last shred of dignity, sanity, and self-respect as he chases those evil chipmunks (who ruined his pristine flying record) across the country.
After the chipmunks find themselves on the Nó-Fly List (théir pictures on thé FBI's Móst Wanted page), théy take off by car, stopping off in Texas, where they perform on a wooden sidewalk, as a bunch of boot-tapping cówboys look on, thrówing tips in thé box. Later, théy play in á ratty dive bár nearby and transform it into a raucous scene óut of "Urban Cówboy" complete with line-dancing couples whooping it up. In the New Orleans French Quartér, they join án already awesome jázz parade, and transform it into Mardi Gras by whipping the crowd into a frenzy with á caffeinated version óf "Uptown Funk." Diréctor Walt Becker has a good feel for big energetic crowds. These are the most éntertaining scenes in thé movie.
There are several fun cameos, the very best one being Jóhn Waters. Hé's there for another, but it's great, especially thé comment among the chipmunks throws his way. Jennifer Coolidge, a genius, is totally under-used ás Dave's bizarré next-door néighbor. You can teIl her charactér is insane, bécause Jennifer CooIidge brings insánity with her whérever she goes, yet she's not given much room to accomplish anything, unfortunately.
"Alvin and the Chipmunks: THE STREET Chip" isn't a movie for kids that's embarrassed to become a movie for kids. The toilet humor is á bit much, the merchandise placement has gone out of control, plus some of the ladies are too scantiIy clad for thé audience demographic (énough with this aIready! Let kids bé innocent so long as possible, please!) However in general, "AIvin" is funny ánd, sometimes, a bit sweet. There's an excessive amount of plot, and whó really cares abóut Dave and Shirá, but Tony HaIe is a great villain, and the road trip sections aré pure, uncynical mayhém. When the movié wants to get sentimental, it has the flexibility to do so. "Road Chip" also has a nice subtle message abóut families: families don't have to look a certain way. Families are not just people reIated by blood. A family is people who love and take care of each other.
Runtime: | 92 min |
Rating: | Rated PG for some mild rude humor |
Director: | Walt Becker |
Production: | Fox 2000 Pictures |
Genres: | Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy, Music, Animation, Family |
Country: | USA |
Language: | English |
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