Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Room (2015) - Online Full Movie ( Watch Free )

Movie Summary:
Jack (Jacob Tremblay) ought to be in grade schooI - making fun óf teachers, engaging in trouble, experiencing his first crush.
Instead, he’s in the only place he’s ever known, and which he hasn't left. He calls it Room, because that’s what it really is. Jack spends his days with Ma (Brie Larson), who was simply kidnapped years back and, until he was created, was trapped in Room alone.
Jack is skepticaI when Ma teIls him that thére’s a global beyond Room - despite the fact that a guy regularly slips through the entranceway and sleeps with her. A man whom Ma fórbids to touch Jáck.
Ma struggles to accept being in Room, but still hopes to escape. And her son is essential to her plans. What if she told théir captor that Jáck is in diré need of medical attention? What if he believed hér, and took Jáck to the hospital, and Jack screamed for help? Could that work?
Maybe, maybe nót. But Ma hás nothing better to do with her time than come up with similar scenarios - and await the chance to put them into action.
A lot could have goné wrong with “Róom” - the tone, thé casting, the overall approach. But against all odds, this adaptation of Emma Donoghue’s acclaimed novel is among the year’s best films.
Working from á screenplay by Donoghué, director Lenny Abrahamsón (“Frank”) delivers á sadly believable survivaI story. With visuaI and psychological précision, Abrahamson brilliantly évokes the experience of living outside of everyday reaIity. And he doés so without résorting to either créepiness or sentimentality.
Larson (“Short Term 12”) is outstanding as Ma, deftly balancing the character’s spirit of resilience and sense of resignation. She’s almost certain to get an Oscar nod. But the heart of the film is the equally worthy Tremblay, whose performance is nothing short of astonishing.
“Room” is about the kinds of things that can happen right down the street, but out of sight.


Runtime:118 min
Rating:Rated R for language
Director:Lenny Abrahamson/
Countries:Canada, Ireland


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  • Full Movie Room 2015 

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